24 Hr Plumbing Repair
Carlsbad | Encinitas | Solana Beach | Oceanside | Vista
Plumbing Leak | Sewer Leak | Toilet Leak
Nearly every room in a home has at least one location in the floor, in a wall or running overhead in the ceiling where a plumbing water or sewer pipe of some sort has been installed. Over time, age of the plumbing system or more recently corrosive additives in our municipal water cause water and sewage pipes to fail.
Timo, a licensed plumber, owner of Leak Star is a contractor with years of experience in all phases of plumbing. From the ground up, he knows plumbing. His qualified team will locate your plumbing problems quickly & in a professional manner. We are prepared to immediately make the needed plumbing repairs. We understand how difficult it is to have your life disrupted like this and how important it is to get your life and home back to normal. As a full service plumbing & repair company we are equipped to help you do that at all levels. When plumbing leaks are ignored your greatly increase the likelihood of incurring extensive damages. If you suspect a plumbing leak, take care of it promptly, call a plumber. Call Leak Star. It will save you time, distress & money in the long run. If you ignore your plumbing leak mold begins to grow quickly. In just a day or two, as water or sewage spreads, mold spores begin to proliferate. Mold and or sewage contamination can be detrimental to everyone's health. There can even be structural damage if left unattended for too long. If you wait and ignore your plumbing problem leading to additional damage, your insurance company is not likely to pay for repairs or your loss. A plumbing leak may appear small. Never the less they are notorious for spreading under flooring and through the inside of walls. You may only see a small wet area, but as can be seen from the image to the right, damage can be extensive. Floor joists and even part of the walls studs were molding and rotted. It all had to be torn out and replaced before the shower could be reinstalled and retiled. Huge expense. If mold becomes a factor, it is a good indicator to an insurance company that the water leak has been there for some time. Don't wait. Call a plumber. Call Leak Star. |
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Serving San Diego County
Plumbing Leaks | Water Leaks | Slab Leaks | Pinhole Leaks | Gas Leaks | Water Heater Leaks
Mold & Water Damage Remediation
Mold & Water Damage Remediation